I haven’t blogged a Bar/Bat Mitzvah in a while, not because I haven’t done any, i’ve been swamped with work and been doing tons of Bar/Bat Mitzvahs, weddings, engagement, so they will all come soon enough. For now though I wanted to showcase Adam’s bar mitzvah photos.
He is such a great kid, extremely talented in all he does and just an all around nice, genuine guy. I can honestly say that the apple didn’t fall far from the tree, the whole family is just awesome.
We did a full rehearsal shoot prior to the bar mitzvah since I can’t take pictures on Saturday and it was really great, the weather totally cooperated and we got great shots, with zero stress on time or anything. This kid photographs WELL… it’s all I gotta say!
They had a luncheon at The Avenue (www.theavenuebanquethall.com), their center pieces were pretty cool… Adam is all about animals, so they put together these huge gift baskets of donations received from pet stores around the GTA and they donated all them to the humane society. I think that is pretty awesome, even his smash cake was in the shape of dog paw and their table number cards was a bone shaped as a chocolate bar.
We also put together a really nice signing board, we went through tons of photo albums and chose one photo for the last 13 years and also a bunch of others that really represented who Adam is. Everything came together and it was an awesome day. Ok, going to stop rambling, here are a few shots from the day!